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Library Laptops
All current students with valid ADDU I.D. and no outstanding library accountabilities may check out laptops at the Miguel Pro Learning Commons (MPLC). Computer laptop are available on a first-come, first-served basis and may be borrowed for 2 hours at a time. First-time borrowers will be asked to complete a Laptop Loan Agreement form. Users may be reserved one day in advance by visiting the Circulation Desk at the library where you wish to borrow the laptop. One laptop per person may be checked out.

Check Availability

Check laptop availability by searching “MPLC laptop” in Library Search.

Loan Period

The loan period is 2 hours.
You can check items out again if no one is waiting for them. This must be done in person.

Loan Enforcement

The University Library reserves the right to deny checkout privileges based on past abuses.
Please return the equipment in the same order and condition as when received. If equipment is damaged or lost while on loan, you will be billed for the costs of repair or new equipment of the same type.

Overdue Charges

Overdue charges of P50.00 for each hour if the equipment is not returned on time. Laptop replacement fees will be assessed if it is not returned.
Please report loss, damage, or defect to the Circulation Desk immediately.


Please do not leave the library equipment unattended. You are responsible for the equipment checked out to you. The Library is not responsible for loss while checked out to you.
Personal software may not be loaded onto the laptop. No user files will be retained on the hard disk.


For technical questions about the operation of the library laptops, please go to the MPLC Circulation Desk.
Please report any hardware or software problems to Circulation staff when returning the laptop.